Possible features
Ready | In progress | Near term | Distant future | Currently out of scope
In progress
- 🩸 Breaking Change: Dropping support for out of tree project files
- 🪆 Subrepos
- 😄 Easier to understand filenames
- ↪️ Content Mappings
- ⚙️ JSON configuration
- 🔧 Replace jq
- 🧪 Regression testing
- 👓 Suppress PR check when workflow changes
- 🧱 Block/Multiline Ignore
- 🌉 IDE Integration
Near term
- 🩸Breaking change: Dropping support for on: schedule
- 👪Behavior change: case changes in expect
- 🗜️Breaking change: Smaller dictionary
- 🪜base‐path
- 🪄Honor gitattributes
- 🙈Support gitignore
- ↬Update base branch
- ↕️Behavior change: Log output order
- ♻️Workflow: retest support
- 🏃Run in GitLab
- 🏃Run in Gitea
- 📄Reusable Workflows
- 😸Customer satisfaction survey
- 🍪Only check changed hunks
Distant future
- Tolerate engine upgrades
- Correct misspelled words within GitHub
- Learn from corrections
- Plug into Pantsbuild
- Plug into Visual Studio Code
- Custom escape mappings
- Managed To‐Do list
Related but currently out of scope
FAQ | Showcase | Event descriptions | Configuration information | Known Issues | Possible features | Deprecations | Release notes | Helpful scripts