Looking for items locally
This is a lazy script -- which isn't aware of all the features, but for average cases it should work:
(git ls-files 2>/dev/null||hg locate) |
perl -e '
sub readfile {
open F, q{<}, $_;
local $/;
local $f = <F>;
$f =~ s/^#.*\$\n//gm;
$f =~ s/\n$//;
return $f;
sub readstring {
my @files=glob($_[0]);
my @lines=map readfile, @files;
my $f=join "\n", @lines;
$f =~ s/(.*)\n/(?:$1)|/g;
return $f;
my $e = readstring(".github/actions/spell*/excludes.txt");
$e = q<^$> if $e eq "";
my $o = readstring(".github/actions/spell*/only.txt");
$o = q<.> if $o eq "";
while (<>) { next if /$e/; next unless /$o/; print }
perl -ne '
next if /^#/;
next unless /./;
print' .github/actions/spell*/patterns.txt
) 2>/dev/null |
tr "\n" "|"|
perl -pne 's/\|$//'
search() {
setopt +o nomatch
echo "$files" |
tr "\n" "\0" |
xargs -0 cat 2>/dev/null |
pattern="$patterns" perl -pne '$pattern=$ENV{pattern};s{$pattern}{ }g if $pattern;' |
w |
perl -pne 'next unless s/.*\((.*)\)/$1/; s/[ ,]+/\n/g'
cat .github/actions/spell*/expect.txt .github/actions/spell*/expect.txt 2> /dev/null
) |
sort |
uniq -u |
sort -f
peek() {
[ -z "$1" ] && return;
echo "$files" |
tr "\n" "\0" |
xargs -0 grep -H -- "$1" 2>/dev/null |
pattern="$patterns" perl -pne 's/\r/\n/g;$pattern=$ENV{pattern};next unless $pattern; s{(^[^:]*:)}{};$file=$1;s{$pattern}{ }g;s{^}{$file};' |
uniq |
grep --color=always -- "$(
pattern="$1" perl -e '$pattern=$ENV{pattern};
$b = q<\b>;
$p = q<\|>;
$o = q<\(>;
$c = q<\)>;
$l = q<[^A-Z]>;
$u = q<[^a-z]>;
sub format_lower {
return "$o$b$p$u$c$_[0]$o$b$p$u$c";
sub format_upper {
return "$o$b$p$l$c$_[0]$o$b$p$l$p$u$l$l$c";
sub format_title {
return "$o$b$p$l$c$_[0]$o$b$p$u$c";
if ($pattern =~ /^$l/) {
$upper_pattern = $pattern;
$upper_pattern =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
$title_pattern = substr($upper_pattern, 0, 1).(substr $pattern, 1);
print format_lower($pattern).$p.format_upper($upper_pattern).$p.format_title($title_pattern);
} elsif ($pattern =~ /^$u{2,}$/) {
print format_upper($pattern);
} elsif ($pattern =~ /^$u+$l/) {
print format_title($pattern) ;
review() {
for a in $(cat $1); do
echo ::$a:;
peek $a | head -15
) | grep -B2 '^[^:]' | grep -v ^--
done |
uniq |
less -nR
find instances
peek 'some"t"hang'
build an expect file
search > .github/actions/spell*/expect.txt
review the expect file
review .github/actions/spell*/expect.txt
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